About the Victorian Social Club
Vic Roads Club Registration Now Available for Social Club Members.
Meet First Friday of the Month 8:00 PM
2/9 Amay Cresent Ferntree Gully
Statement of Purpose and Aims
The social club is intended for people who are interested in supporting Longriders CMC Australia and wish to belong to a social club whom holds similar values to that of Longriders.
The membership may include:
- Christian men who are not able to or don’t want to “nominate” for membership at this stage in their lives. It may be a gateway for these men to later consider, after discussion with a full member, nominating for the club.
- Men and women who are interested in supporting Longriders and wish to belong to a social club.
- The purpose of the social club is to enjoy motorcycling, mateship, family get-togethers and fellowship. It is not intended to be another back-patch club.
Prospective members will be required to attend several monthly open nights or other club sanctioned events before becoming eligible for social club membership.
Responsibilities and obligations of club permit holders
Club permit holders must:
- Ensure that the vehicle is only used for private use and is not used for commercial use
- Ensure you are familiar with your particular club’s requirements for club permit holders
- Ensure you are familiar with the log book requirements
- Maintain your vehicles in a manner which ensures that the vehicle is in a “safe” condition for use on a highway
- Present your vehicle for annual safety checks at the time of renewing your club permit
- Maintain financial membership of the club at all times whilst holding a club permit
- Ensure that the log book and permit is carried in the vehicle or on your person at all times the vehicle is in use
- Ensure that the number plate(s) and windscreen label as issued by VicRoads are correctly displayed on the vehicle at all times when the vehicle is in use.
- Club permit vehicles may be driven throughout all States and Territories (except Western Australia) provided the vehicle complies with Victorian requirements for the holding of the club permit.